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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Maximo - Reconciliation Setup Steps

Below I have shown the fields that need to be populated in the order they need to be done. Looking at the information below I assume you are already logged into Maximo. Set up a task filter. (A task filter is optional).
GoTo> Administration > Reconciliation > Task Filters
Fill in field 'Task Filter Name' = example: BEDFORD

Define link rule(s).
GoTo> Administration > Reconciliation > Link Rules
Define a rule like {Asset (Serialnum) = Deployed Asset (serialnumber)}
Choose a Link Rule Name = {SERIAL NUMBER}

Define comparison rule(s). Comparison rules are optional.
GoTo> Administration > Reconciliation > Comparison Rules
Give the Rule a name. example: DiskAvailable (Check for >2gb available HD)
In the Type of Reconciliation section choose your Data sets 1 & 2 (Assets & Deployed Assets)
Only looking at Data Set 2 Filter (Deployed Assets) add New Row
Pick Data Set 2 Object field value example: DPALOGICALDRIVE
Pick Data Set 2 Attribute field value example: AVAILABLESIZE
Pick Operator field value example: >=
Pick Value field value example: 2.0 (2 gb)

Set up a reconciliation task.
GoTo> Administration > Reconciliation > Reconciliation Task
Give the task a name. example: SN-Bedford
In the Type of Reconciliation section choose your Data sets 1 & 2 (Assets & Deployed Assets)
In the Link Rule section choose a rule you created above using the [Select Link Rule] button or create a new rule with the [New Row] button
In the Comparison Rules section choose a rule you created above using the [Select Comparison Rule] button or create a new rule with the [New Row] button

Your Done setting up Reconciliation.

Now look for 'Maximo Reconciliation Cron Task Setup Steps' to create a Cron Task to fire off the Reconciliation Task.

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