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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Configuring record locking with conditions -- Maximo


Creating signature options and granting access to security groups

1. In Application Designer, open the ticket type to modify. Add a signature option to make sections of a record read-only. For example, add a signature option called READSECTION.
2. In the Security Groups application, grant access to the new signature option to a security group:
a. Open the security group record. On the Applications tab, select the ticket type to restrict activity for.

b. In the Options for record type section, select the signature option you created. Grant access to that signature option.

Creating conditions and setting data restrictions

3. In the Security Groups application, on the Object Restrictions tab of the Data Restrictions tab, insert a row. Specify the object the condition applies to and add a condition with Conditional Expression manager.

Examples of conditions you can create:
Condition you can apply to make fields read-only for a non-owner:
:&USERNAME& <> :owner and :status <> 'NEW'
Condition you can apply to remove actions for a user:
:&USERNAME& = :owner or :ownergroup in (select persongroup from persongroupteam where resppartygroup=:&USERNAME& or respparty=:&USERNAME&) or :status ='NEW'
4. To make sections of a record read-only to a user who does not own the ticket:
a. In Application Designer, select the ticket type that you want to modify.
b. Select the section to make read-only and open the control properties for the section.
c. Specify the signature option that you created. For example, select READSECTION.
d. In the Configure Conditional Properties window, specify the security group for the users.
e. Specify the condition that you created for this group to make sections read-only.
f. In the Property values when condition nnnn is true section, specify the inputmode property and the readonly property value.
5. To restrict actions for a user who does not own the ticket:
a. In the Security Groups application, select the group to restrict.
b. On the Applications tab, select the application to restrict actions for.
c. Select the action to restrict, and specify the condition you created.

Results Examples

Start Center work view for Sinclair who sees only tickets he owns or his owner group owns
Sinclair retrieves a record that his group owns. Fields are read-only until he takes ownership.
Sinclair retrieves a record that he owns.

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