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Friday, October 24, 2014

Removing temporary data : -When installing Maximo Base Services 7.5 or Base Services Fixpack 7.1 you get an error: CTGIN2489E.

Removing temporary data

If you have modified the Maximo database since you installed another product or component, make sure all of your changes are completed before you begin a new upgrade or installation procedure.
All changes must be committed to the database before you can upgrade an existing product or install a new product or component. Tables whose names begin with "XX" are temporary tables that must be dropped before installing. If these tables exist, you will see error CTGIN2489E when you run an upgrade or installation procedure.
Temporary data can exist in your database in these situations:
  • You are upgrading an existing product after configuring and using it.
  • You are installing a new product or component in an environment where you have already installed another product, and configured and used that product.
  • You are using the installer to add a feature or function that you did not implement when you first installed your product.
If you are in one of these situations, check whether you have any uncommitted changes or temporary tables in your database.
  1. To confirm that all changes have been committed, run the following SQL query against the Maximo database:
    SELECT count(*) from maxobjectcfg where changed != 'N'
    'N' indicates that a change has been committed. For this query, if entries are returned with a value of 0 instead of N, you must commit those changes. Follow these steps to commit the changes:
    1. Click Go To > System Configuration > Platform Configuration > Database Configuration.
    2. From the Select Action menu, click Manage Admin Mode.
    3. Click Turn Admin Mode ON.
    4. Click OK, then wait for a few minutes for the change to take effect.
    5. From the Select Action menu, click Apply Configuration Changes. Monitor the process to completion.
    6. From the Select Action menu, click Manage Admin Mode.
    7. Click Turn Admin Mode OFF.
    8. Stop the MXServer.
    9. On the administrative Workstation, open a command prompt. Change to the directory c:\ibm\smp\maximo\tools\maximo.
    10. Run the following commands:
      The dropbackup.bat command is run twice. This should complete the commitment of all database changes.
  2. Determine whether any temporary tables exist in your database, using the command appropriate to your database:
    select count(*) from sysibm.systables where name like 'XX%' and 
    creator = 'MAXIMO'
    Microsoft SQL Server
    SELECT count(*) FROM sysobjects WHERE xtype = 'U' AND name like 'XX%'
    SELECT count(*) from all_tables where table_name like 'XX%'
    If the returned value is not 0, follow these steps to drop the temporary tables:
    1. On the administrative Workstation, open a command prompt. Change to the directory c:\ibm\smp\maximo\tools\maximo.
    2. Run the following commands:
      The dropbackup.bat command is run twice. This should drop all the temporary tables in the database.
Now you can proceed with your upgrade or installation procedure.

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