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Friday, July 18, 2014

Backing up and restoring the Deployment Engine database


How do I backup and restore the deployment engine found on my product's middleware servers and administrative system?


These instructions are for manually backing up and restoring the Deployment Engine
database to the state it was before installing middleware on middleware servers or
process managers on the administrative workstation.

In past releases, the deployment engine was automatically backed up during installation. This is no longer the case. In the latest releases of ISM products, deployment engine backups and restoration are the responsibility of the user.

You should back up the Deployment Engine database of the system before and
after applying any updates to an existing deployment. Having backups allows you
to recover from partial installation attempts where middleware or process manager
components were partially installed.

This procedure is not dependant on the state of the application server. The application server can either in a started or stopped state.

To backup the Deployment Engine database, complete the following steps:

1. Set up the environment using the following command:

Windows c:\Program Files\IBM\Common\acsi\setenv.cmd
UNIX cd /var/ibm/common/acsi ./
2. Run the command to backup the Deployment Engine registry:

Windows c:\Program Files\IBM\Common\acsi\bin\backupdb.cmd

UNIX cd /usr/ibm/common/acsi/bin ./

Use a meaningful name for to reflect the fact that it contains the state of the registry after your installation of the product. For example, DEBackupAfterJune12Install.
If you have a backup of the Deployment Engine database, you can use the
following command to restore it:

c:\Program Files\IBM\Common\acsi\bin\restoredb

cd /usr/ibm/common/acsi/bin

where is the file containing the Deployment Engine backup
you made.

SmartCloud Control Desk version 7.5 Upgrade Guide.

Upgrade Service Request Manager 7.1 to 7.2.1

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Why Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are not being applied

when you configure SLAs with commitments and try to apply them, only to get the message: "BMXAQ0090E - No service level agreement was found." This message might be displayed for one of the following reasons:
  1. The SLA status is DRAFT or not ACTIVE.
  2. The dates that have been entered are not valid, for example, they may be in the past.
  3. The SLA has different conditions to the work order or ticket.
  4. The SLA has a different location to the work order, ticket, or asset and configuration items.
  5. The SLA organization and site does not match with the work order or ticket organization and site.
  6. The SLA has different shifts than the work order or ticket.
  7. The date specified in the SLA is a non-working day.

Configuring Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

The setup of your calendars and shifts plays an important part in calculating the target dates for SLA.
Now that you know how to apply it  let's see if the dates are being calculated correctly.
Let's create a calendar first.
  1. In the Calendar application, create a calendar.
  2. In the Calendar field, enter 2013.
  3. From the Select Action menu, select Define/Apply Shifts.
  4. In the Define/Apply Shifts window, click New Row.
  5. Enter the name WORK for the shift name.
  6. Specify that the shift lasts from Monday to Friday, 08:00 to 17:00. There are 8 hours in the work shift and a one hour lunch break.
Now, create the SLA:
  1. From the Service Level Agreement application, click New SLA.
  2. In the SLA field, specify SLA_SR.
  3. In the Applies To field, specify Service Requests.
  4. Create commitments for the service level agreement
    1. In the Commitments table window, click New Row.
    2. In the Type field enter  RESPONSE
    3. In the Value field, enter 4. This is the target start time.
    4. In the Unit of Measure field, enter HOURS.
  5. Create another commitment.
    1. In the Commitments table window, click New Row.
    2. In the Type field enter  RESOLUTION
    3. In the Value field, enter 32 hours. This is the target finish time.
    4. In the Unit of Measure field, enter HOURS.
Notice that if the SR has an associated asset, we want to use the asset's calendar to calculate the dates and not the SLA default calculation calendar (this options is only enabled by IBM Maximo for Service Providers).
Now, let's see how it works on a service request. The details of the service request are as follows:
  • Asset: ASSET_TEST (uses DAY calendar, with a 07:00~15:00 shift, 8 work-hours, Mon~Fri)
  • Reported Date: 25/Oct/13 12:30 (Friday)
In the service request, we select the Apply SLA action, and the following message is shown:
We want the SLA to use the asset's calendar to calculate the target dates as first option.
RESPONSE = Reported Date + 4 hours. Using the asset's calendar (shifts end at 15:00), we have only 2:30 hours left for the day. So, we should carry 1:30 to the next working day. The result: Target start date = 28/Oct/13 08:30 (Monday).
RESOLUTION = Reported Date + 32 hours. Again using the asset's calendar (8-hour shift), we have to add 4 working days to the reported day.  The result:  Target finish date = 31/Oct/13 12:30 (Thursday).
So far, so good.
Now let's try a service request, without an asset.
  • Reported Date: 25/Oct/13 12:30 (Friday)
As the SR doesn't have an asset, the SLA should use the default calculation calendar to calculate the dates (WORK calendar).
So we have:
  • Target start date = 25/Oct/13 16:30
  • Target finish date = 31/Oct/13 08:30
Note that the target finish date isn't 31/Oct/13 12:30, but 31/Oct/13 08:30.
That's because the shift is from 08:00 to 17:00, having a total of 9 hours. Even though the shift is set as 8 working hours, we have no information about this 1 hour break. So the SLA considers just the start/end time of the shift to make the date calculation. Any value added to work hours won't be considered by SLA calculations.
For holidays, you should use the Apply non-working days action on the calendar. It won't work if you just use 0 (zero) work hours for that particular day (same for weekends).

Maximo server crashes when fetching large number of records


Maximo7.5 server crashes with Out Of Memory exceptions when fetching a large number of records from SQL Server.


When fetching a large number of records ( eg: around a million ) , the Maximo server freezes and eventually crashes and one can see Out of Memory exceptions and SQL Server jdbc exceptions in the application server logs.
This has so far been reported from Maximo 7.5 environments using SQL Server only.


This is caused by the way the new SQL Server jdbc driver used in Maximo 7.5 handles the records fetched from the database.

Resolving the problem

There is an APAR created for this issue - APAR IV12954. Please contact IBM Support for a 
Source :

Installing Maximo 7.5 on Windows server 2012

While installing Maximo 7.5 on Windows server 2012 you might want to look at the provided link to a technote with some helpful information

Adding a toolbar button in an Application for an Automation Script

This will show you how to add a toolbar button for an Automation script. I have included a “dummy” script that does not do much,
it is just to show you how to add a toolbar button to an application.

Create the script.

First go to Automation Scripting and create a new Action Launch Point.image
For this purpose, I called my Launch Point MYSCRIPT and left the Action to MYSCRIPT as well.image
Notice that I picked ASSET for my object, I plan to add this button to the Asset Application. I then select a name for my actual script,
I just left it as MYSCRIPT but changed the debug level to DEBUG.image
Add your code to the next dialog box and create the Launch Point. If you do not have a code to test with, here is a piece of code that print some
Work Orders in the log,
from psdi.server import MXServer
from java.text import SimpleDateFormat
sdf = SimpleDateFormat
fmt_out = sdf('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm')

whereClause = "wonum in ('1000', '1001', '1002')"

mboMainSet = MXServer.getMXServer().getMboSet("workorder", MXServer.getMXServer().getSystemUserInfo())
mainCount = 0

print "Running Automation Script."
while mboMainSet.getMbo(mainCount) is not None:
    myMbo = mboMainSet.getMbo(mainCount)
    mainCount = mainCount + 1
    print "Work Order: " + myMbo.getString("wonum") + " " + myMbo.getString("description")
    print "Status: " + myMbo.getString("status") + " " + fmt_out.format(myMbo.getDate("statusdate"))
This script shows you how to get a Mbo set from any object in Maximo and also how to format a date in case you want a specific date format.

Add toolbar button to application

Go to Application Designer and bring up the Asset Application, bring up the Add/Modify Signature Options dialog box from the Select Action menu.
Click new row. Add your Action, make sure you expand the Advanced section and select the “Action” option.image
Bring up the Add/Modify Toolbar Menu dialog box from the Select Action menu. Click new row. Add your new Signature Security Option,image
In this case, Tabs were chosen to be MAIN, if you want to be able to run the report from any tab, set it to ALL.

Enable toolbar button in Security Groups

Go to Security Groups and find your group that will be using this toolbar button, I used MAXADMIN in my demo database.
Bring up the Asset application and find “Run my script” and check it.image
Save, sign out and sign in again with a user belonging to your group. The icon will appear as a running man in the toolbar, right next to create report.image

Enable logging for the script

Clicking the Run My Script button does not do much since we set the Log level to DEBUG. If you want to see the output in the log,
either change the logging level for Autoscript to DEBUG or change the script log level to INFO. I chose to enable the DEBUG logging,image
Set the Log Level to DEBUG, save and Apply Settings, the next time you run the script you should see something like this in the log,

Hide classifications so they can no longer be seen by users

1) Go To Database Configuration
2) Add a field to classstructure to mark a Classification as obsolete/inactive/etc:

3) Go to the Application Designer.
4) Open the Classifications application and add field called Inactive:

5)Go to the Conditional Expression Manager application.
6) Create a conditional expression to hide a classification marked as Inactive:

7) Go To the security groups application and create a new Global Data Restriction so all users are only allowed to retrieve
classifications that are not marked as inactive.

Note: if you only wanted this to apply to certain security groups, you could add this restriction as a data restriction for specific security groups in the Security Group application.
Also, you can choose to fill in the Application field or not. If you do not fill this field in, the restriction will apply to all applications, but if you specify an application, the restriction will only apply to the specific application:

8) Go to the Classifications Application and mark a classification as Inactive:

9) The classification is no longer available for selection in the Classify dialog:

VMMSYNC workings and how to look at debug logs.

VMMSYNC is a crontask provided within Maximo products.  As with all crontasks it can be set to run at regular intervals. The crontask makes contact with a component of WebSphere called VMM (Virtual Member Manager) via API calls. The calls will be actioned against a federated repository and will request information on users, groups and group assignments from within the federated repository. The information must previously have been populated into the Federated Repository from LDAP(s).  VMMSYNC can only be used with WebSphere as it talks directly to VMM which is a security component of WebSphere.WebLogic users will need to use LDAPSYNC which gets its information directly from a single LDAP.
 VMMSYNC is a ‘ONE WAY’ synchronisation
i.e.  If you delete a user in Maximo, the LDAP will not be updated to  remove the user.
 LDAP = Lightweight Directory Access protocol
 Using an LDAP product allows users to authenticate against a central security product rather than authenticating internally within an application (e.g. Maximo)
 Maximo supports 2 LDAP products – Others may work but are not officially supported.
Microsoft Active Directory  (MSAD)
Tivoli Directory Server (TDS) 
When Maximo makes use of LDAP, only authentication (userid/password check) happens against the LDAP.  Users authorisations to individual Maximo applications / actions etc after they have authenticated (logged in) are based on information in the group related tables within Maximo.  
When using LDAP for authentication, the user related tables still need to be populated/synchronised with LDAP in Maximo to allow users to access and use Maximo (and that is what VMMSYNC does).  VMMSYNC is used to populate the tables from the LDAPs information (Via WebSphere VMM/Federated Repository.
 So, the first thing to realise is.......If  a user cannot be seen within WebSpheres Federated Repository then VMMSYNC will not be able to populate their information to Maximo.  Check you can see the user in WebSphere before wasting time troubleshooting VMMSYNC.  If you cannot see them, then your problem is not with VMMSYNC, but with populating the federated repository.

The Crontask
You can have multiple ‘instances’ of the crontask.  
The following are the main parameters to set up for the crontask instance.

1.1. Principal -  The user used to access VMM/WebSphere e.g. cn=wasadmin,ou=Users,ou=SWG,dc=itsm,dc=com
2.2. Credential – Password for principal
3.3. Usermapping – Update basedn in the xml to point to starting point in LDAP for user sync e.g. basedn>ou=Users,ou=SWG,dc=itsm,dc=com
asedn The rest of the user xml may be customised, but must match the LDAP entries and the Maximo database tables
4. GroupMapping – Update the basedn to point to the starting point in the LDAP to search for groups. 
5. Check the GroupSearchAttribute (e.g. cn) and UserSearchAttribute (e.g. uid) match those used in the LDAP entries for groups and users.

Ensure the crontask instance is enabled and has a realistic schedule set……  vmmsync can take a long time to run when many users and groups are being sync’d.  
A good idea might be to run it on a once a day basis, scheduled outside of normal working hours if possible.   

VMMSYNC Crontask Instance XML
The User XML populates the following tables
The Group XML populates the following tables
Extracts showing main USER xml from a VMMSYNC instance.

 Set the VMMSYNC Cron Task into debug mode in Maximo
1.       Go to the Logging application (under System Configuration | Platform Configuration).
2.       Find and select the crontask root logger (not crontaskmgr) in the upper Root Loggers pane.
3.       Find and select the VMMSYNC logger in the lower Loggers pane.
1.       If one does not already exist, add it:
1.       Click the New Row button in Loggers pane while the crontask Root Logger is selected.
2.       In the resulting pane click the Detail Menu icon for the Logger parameter.
3.       Select VMMSYNC from the Select Value dialog.
4.       Click the Select Value button on the Log Level parameter.
5.       Select DEBUG from the Select Value dialog.
6.       Save the record.
7.       Select Apply Settings from the Select Action menu.
 Then temporarily disable any other VMMSYNC instances (for clarity in the logs) and allow the vmmsync instance of interest to run.
Save the logs e.g.   SystemOut.log and SystemErr.log
 Review the debug logs.
 First find this message which is the start of the sync
BMXAA6790I - VMM Synchronizer is going to perform Full Synchronization
 Check the basedn matches the vmmsync instance xml e.g.
Synchronizing VMM users from base: {OU=Admin,DC=Office,DC=EMEA,DC=local}, using filter: {PersonAccount}
 Next is the request made to VMM…this should match the xml regarding properties to get from VMM
 [DEBUG] Synchronizing VMM Users: VMM search request

    xmlns:sdo="commonj.sdo" xmlns:wim="">
     type="wim:SearchControl" expression="@xsi:type='PersonAccount' and uid='*'">
                       …more properties here….
     type="wim:PageControl" size="100"/>

 Next is the response back from VMM with the user records (each user is listed as an entity)
 [DEBUG] Synchronizing VMM Users: VMM search results
    xmlns:sdo="commonj.sdo" xmlns:wim="">
       rnalName="CN=David,OU=Service Accounts,OU=Administration,DC=headoffice,DC=EMEA,DC=local"
           repositoryId=“REPOSNAMEHERE" uniqueId=“g3r3y6r962d774b89ab4dc78d139cf3" uniqueName="CN=DavidL,OU=mygroup,OU=Admin,DC=Office,DC=EMEA,DC=local"/>
 At the end of the user list you may get a cookie.  This means it is not the last page to be returned…..look for the next set of results that show this same cookie to continue working through the users

      type="wim:PageResponseControl" cookie="68704D53656172636843616368654E616D6574696D653A31333932303333383730333334"    totalSize="138"/> 

 You will see also how many users were synchronised e.g.
 [INFO] BMXAA6794I - 134 User changes were processed
 The Group xml is set out in a very similar fashion to the user xml. i.e. basedn, attributes to get from VMM, Tables to update etc.
Log entries are also very similar   e.g.  
 [DEBUG] Synchronizing groups from base
 Followed by the requests and the response for groups and groupmembers
 VMM Groups: VMM search request
 VMM Group members get request           (One for each group found).
 The biggest tip for debugging is try to disable all other VMMSYNC crontasks, if you have more than one, when creating debug logs.  It can get very confusing (for me at least) when many are running at the same time. They also tend to fill the logs quickly, so pertinent information can be lost if the logs size settings are for small files.
 Scan the logs for any errors reported by Maximo or WebSphere during the process. including request timeouts.  VMMSYNC can take some time to run (especially if thousands of users) and it is not uncommon for it to receive a transaction timeout from WebSphere if the transaction timeout is set too low.
 Double check that any customised XML matches the LDAP data and also that any new fields created in Maximo tables are long enough for the data being placed in them and that the data type is correct for the field.Check the 'scope' set in the xml as this determines if just that one level in the LDAP is sync'd or if all sublevels are also sync'd.
Do not run it too frequently.  I have seen cases where the sync is nowhere near finished and is then started again. 
SQL logging can be turned on for VMMSYNC to show the table updates.  This can be useful if everything looks to be correct, users are returned by VMM but do not make it into the Maximo tables.

Modifying the size of a user field in MAS

  Question In MAS you can verify that many of the fields of the user records are also present in Manage application, but how can we change t...