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Thursday, October 19, 2017

Add embedded YouTube videos to any Maximo / SmartCloud Control Desk application

The following article will show you how to create a custom control wrapper for an embedded YouTube player.

1.            Create the control and component registry declarations for the new control

The main registries are located in (all paths are relative to the installation directory/application server deployment location):


We'll declare our new control in a registry extension in order to keep the main registries clear. Registry extensions are placed in the following location:


Find the complete Control and Component registry files in Tables 1 & 2.

2.            Create JavaServer Page (JSP) wrapper

The JSP file name is defined in the component registry xml; 'video' below corresponds to video.jsp:


All component JSP files are placed in the following location:


Find the complete video.jsp file in Table 3 below.

•  Find the YouTube video you want to embed and retrieve the associated metadata

a. I'll use the following video as an example: navigate to YouTube by clicking the link:

b. Click on 'Share' then click on 'Embed'

c. Note the width, height and src attributes, they will be used in step #4.

width="560" height="315" src="//"

•  Add the control to an existing application

Finally, we add the control element to an existing application. For example, if you wanted to add a quick tutorial video to the incident application for new service desk agents:

a. Go To → System Configuration → Platform Configuration → Application Designer
b. Search for application 'INCIDENT'
c. Export application XML
d. Find an appropriate place for the video (such as a new tab) and add the following element (by default the example below will render a SmartCloud Control Desk video

NOTE: According to the component description, the element must be enclosed in one of the following element containers:
section, sectioncol, sectionrow, tab, page

f. Save and import the XML file.

•  Finished

Table 1: control-registry_video.xml
dir="webclient\controls" package="psdi.webclient.controls">
  riptor-class="psdi.webclient.system.runtime.DatasrcDescriptor" instance-class="psdi.webclient.system.controller.DatasrcInstance">

Table 2: component-registry_video.xml
dir="webclient\components" package="psdi.webclient.system">
 mponent-descriptor name="video">

Table 3: video.jsp

<%@ include file="../common/componentheader.jsp"%>

  String pageid = control.getPage().getId();
  MboRemote mbo = control.getPage().getDataBean().getMbo();
  String src = control.getProperty("src");
  String height = control.getProperty("height");
  String width = control.getProperty("width");

maximo links

Skip fields during duplication

This article describes how to skip the user-defined fields during duplication of a record.
To skip the user-defined fields during duplication of a record, complete the following steps:
  • Extend the existing MBO class, for example

  • Define a static HashSet that contains the names of the fields whose values need not be copied from the source MBO to the target MBO. This HashSet is loaded in the loadXYSkipFieldCopyHashSet.
private static HashSet<String> skipXYFieldCopy = new HashSet<String> ();

  • Define private boolean variable to check whether the HashSet has already been loaded. The HashSet is loaded only once since it is static. The same hashSet can be used by all duplicate methods after it has been loaded.
private static boolean isXYHashSetLoaded = false;

  • Define method loadXYSkipFieldCopyHashSet() that loads the static HashSet with the names of the fields whose values need not be copied from the source Mbo to the target Mbo when a duplicate operation is performed.

private static void loadXYSkipFieldCopyHashSet() throws MXException,RemoteException


     isXYHashSetLoaded = true;


Override the skipCopyField() in the MBO. While this MBO is being copied, this method checks if each attribute needs to be copied by using the data from the static HashSet skipXYFieldCopy.

boolean skipCopyField(MboValueInfo mvi) throws RemoteException, MXException
         return true;

         return true;
     return false;
Override duplicate method in the MBO to skip any user defined fields.
MboRemote duplicate() throws MXException, RemoteException
         loadXYSkipFieldCopyHashSet ();
           MboRemote dup = super.duplicate();

            return dup;

MEA Web services do not automatically redeploy when application server restarted


Looking at your Maximo interfaces, the "deployed as web service" checkbox is checked, but the web service is not available for use.

Resolving the problem

A generic JVM argument is required to be set for the JVM to automatically redeploy the web services after the application server is restarted.

In the WebSphere console, navigate to your application server instance.
On the right side of the screen select "Java and Process Management"
Then, select "Process Definition"
Under additional properties, select "Java Virtual Machine"
In the "Generic JVM Arguments" field, add the following parameter:


Restart the application server.


Modify your service script to add the axis engine class, following the instructions below:

1. from the bea/user_projects/domains/mydomain folder, run uninstallservice.cmd

2. Edit the file in the same folder called installservice.cmd using a text editor

3. Locate the "set CMDLINE" section of the file (you will see two so both lines should be modified to include the Java option).
Modify the command line to look as it does below (note that weblogic.Server must be the last entry on the line.

set CMDLINE="%JAVA_VM% %MEM_ARGS% %JAVA_OPTIONS% -classpath \"%CLASSPATH%\" -Dweblogic.Name=%SERVER_NAME%\"%ADMIN_URL%\" -Dweblogic.ProductionModeEnabled=%PRODUCTION_MODE%\"%WL_HOME%\server\lib\weblogic.policy\" weblogic.Server"

set CMDLINE="%JAVA_VM% %MEM_ARGS% %JAVA_OPTIONS% -classpath \"%CLASSPATH%\" -Dweblogic.Name=%SERVER_NAME% -Dweblogic.ProductionModeEnabled=%PRODUCTION_MODE%\"%WL_HOME%\server\lib\weblogic.policy\" weblogic.Server"

set CMDLINE="%JAVA_VM% %MEM_ARGS% %JAVA_OPTIONS% -classpath \"%CLASSPATH%\" -Dweblogic.Name=%SERVER_NAME%\"%ADMIN_URL%\" -Dweblogic.ProductionModeEnabled=%PRODUCTION_MODE%\"%WL_HOME%\server\lib\weblogic.policy\" -Daxis.EngineConfigFactory=psdi.iface.webservices.WSEngineConfigFactory weblogic.Server"

set CMDLINE="%JAVA_VM% %MEM_ARGS% %JAVA_OPTIONS% -classpath \"%CLASSPATH%\" -Dweblogic.Name=%SERVER_NAME% -Dweblogic.ProductionModeEnabled=%PRODUCTION_MODE%\"%WL_HOME%\server\lib\weblogic.policy\" -Daxis.EngineConfigFactory=psdi.iface.webservices.WSEngineConfigFactoryweblogic.Server"

4. run installservice.cmd and start the service.

Your web services should now deploy automatically upon a restart.

If starting WebLogic from a command line, edit the start script you use to start the application server in the same manner as above, making sure that weblogic.Server is the last entry on the command line in the script.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Enabling SSL At HTTP Web Server level

Steps :
1.      Open the Key Management tool from window start menu
2.      Click New
3.      From the List of Key Database Type select the CMS.
4.      Enter the File Name.
5.      Create a New Folder in HTTP Server folder and store the .kdb file as shown in the above screen.
Note:  Don’t overwrite Existing key.kdb file.
6.      Click ok and provide the password .select the Stash password to file option.
7.      Select the Personal Certificates option and click Import.
8.      Select the PKCS12 option and brows the certificate and click ok.
9.      Enter the private key password.
10.   Once certificate is imported, it will display the Private key and Public key. Select all and click ok.
11.   Click Ok.

HTTP Server Configuration

1.      Go to Http Server Folder   E:\IBM\HTTPServer\conf   
Open the httpd.conf file uncomment the below lines.
LoadModule ibm_ssl_module modules/
## IPv6 support:
#Listen [::]:443
SSLProtocolDisable SSLv2
Key File E:/IBM/HTTPServer/SSL/key.kdb (Add the kdb file which you created in the above steps in this scenario sawkey.kdb)
# End of example SSL configuration


1)      Login into Web sphere console.
2)      Click the serversà Webserver
3)      Click the webserver1
4)      Under ports section click the details
5)      Click the Webserver_address and change the port number from 80 to 443.
6)      Click Apply and save the configuration.
7)      Restart the HTTP Webserver and Restart the Application server.
8)      Click the Serversà Websphere application servers.
9)      Under Server Infrastructure àJava Process Management à Click the Process definition
10)   Click the Java virtual machine
11)  Click the Custom properties
12)   Click new and add the below property.
Property Name: webservices.unify.faults
Value: false

13)   Apply and save the configuration.
14)   Copy the axis2.xml file from:

and paste it in the following directory:

Note that the conf directory does not exist and must be created before pasting the file there.

Step9: Now edit the axis2.xml in the conf directory, and add the following block of text to enable the https transport in the axis2.xml

15)   Rebuild the maximo.ear using the buildmaximoearwas8.cmd
16)   Redeploy the maximo.ear and test.

Maximo Properties

Ø Change the URL http to https
EX: http://servername /meaweb/
https://servername /meaweb/
Ø Change the URL http to https
EX: http://servername. /maximorpt/report

https://servername /maximorpt/report

Web Services Issues after Maximo upgrade from 7.1 to Maximo7.6.0.8

Issue: Web services issues after upgrade From 7.1 to 7.6


1.     Delete all the web services from Maximo
2.     Recreate all the web services and Re generate the XML
3.     Check in the browsers
            Ex: http://serverhost:portnmber/meaweb/services/web servicename?wsdl

4.     Add the new property in Web sphere server
Application servers > MXInt_Cluster_01 > Process definition > Java Virtual Machine > Custom properties
            Property Name: webservices.unify.faults
Value : false  

5.     Check the below System Properties in Maximo =1

6.     Test the Web services

Monday, March 9, 2015

Using conditional expressions for classifications

Prevent users from selecting some classifications but you cannot delete the classifications

  • Description: As part of the implementation process, one of the tasks a customer completes is creation of the classification hierarchy. When classifications that made sense when you went through implementation no longer make sense, what can you do? You might delete the classifications that are not applicable. But if those classifications have been associated with item, you cannot delete them. You could also tell your users not to use the classifications or find every ticket that the classifications were applied to and delete them from the ticket. But both solutions have problems either from a usability perspective or from a data integrity perspective.

  • Issue: You cannot delete a classification when it has been used in applied to an item.

  • Solution overview: Use the configuration tools to enable an object restriction-based solution to hide the designated classifications from users, effectively preventing users from selecting them.


There are two parts to the solution because there are two fields in the application that are available for looking up classifications.

  • Hierarchical lookup is available from the Detail menu on the Classstructure.Hierarchypath field. Restrict the lookup at the highest level you wish to hide, and everything below in the hierarchy is hidden.
  • A Select Value item is available from the Classstructure.Description_Class You must restrict the individual classifications.

Restrict the lookup

In this example, classifications that are marked with the HIDE attribute (:hide=1) are not displayed to any agents of the Service Desk Rep (Tier 1) Service Group.

  1. In the Database Configuration application, add a YORN attribute called HIDE to the Classstructure record. This attribute will be used to specify the classifications to hide from the user.
  2. In the Application Designer, open the Classifications application.
  3. Add the HIDE attribute to the application.
  4. In the Conditional Expression Manager, create the expression :HIDE=0. For information about building conditional expressions, see the Conditional Expression Manager online help.
  5. Open the Security Groups application.
    • Create a security group called SDRep1 to add users to that group.
    • Add an object restriction to an existing group to restrict all users in that group.
  6. On the Data Restrictions tab, select the Object Restrictions tab.
  7. In the Object field, specify the Classstructure object.
  8. In the Condition field, click Detail menu and choose Select Value to select the expression :Hide=0.

Hide a classification

In this example, Hide is selected for the top-level classification "End User Issues".


The results differ depending on the type of lookup from the field.

  • From the Classification field, all classifications below the hidden classification are hidden.
  • From The Class Description field, only the hidden classification is hidden.

You can synchronize these fields in two ways:

  • Select Hide for all the classifications in the hierarchy.
  • Remove the lookup from the Class Description field.

Classification Field Hierarchical Lookup - Nothing below the hidden classification is available

Class Description Field - Only the hidden classification is not available. Any child classification with the terms "END USER" are still available.

Filter items by classification at a more granular level than at the application level

  • Description: Acme Service Desk distributes their incoming tickets based upon the initial classification selected by the self-service user. The default ownergroup for that classification is assigned to the ticket, when the classification is selected by the user. Ownergroup A is assigned to any ticket that has a classification that begins with a 1, 2, or 3. Ownergroup B is assigned to any ticket that has a classification that begins with a 4, 5, or 6. When agents of the service desk in ownergroup A log in, they see all tickets currently assigned to them and to any group they belong to. They select a service request and begin working on it. Part of their work is to validate that the proper classification was used and the appropriate level of classification was selected. When evaluating the classification, the agents are presented not only with the classifications they are assigned to (those beginning with 1, 2, or 3), but also the classifications that are the responsibility of ownergroup B. What do you do when you want the agents to see tickets only with the classifications their group is responsible for?

  • Issue: The classification Use with flags are at the application level. You require a more granular solution.

  • Solution overview: Filter the classification presentation based on security group ownership by setting a restriction.


Create a security group with a defined Object Restriction for the Classstructure object. Create a conditional expression to present certain nodes of the Classstructure object, based upon classificationid. Finally, we associate the user's record to the new Security Group.

This example restricts Sinclair from seeing classification nodes other than 1 and 2. Before the change, Sinclair has access to all incident-related classifications.

Create the restriction

  1. Open the Security Groups application.
  2. Create a security group called Class1and2.
  3. On the Data Restrictions tab, select the Object Restrictions tab.
  4. In the Object field, specify Classstructure.
  5. In the Condition field, click Detail Menu and specify an expression that shows Classifications that start only with 1 or 2.
    For example, :classificationid like '1%' or classificationid like '2%'
    Tip Make the restriction expression as specific as you need to support which groups need to see which classifications.
  6. Add the user Sinclair to the group.
  7. In the Conditional Expression Manager, create an expression that matches the Object Restriction you created.
    For information about building conditional expressions, see the Conditional Expression Manager online help.


Test the restriction

  1. Log in as Sinclair
  2. From the Incidents application, create an incident
  3. In the classification field, select Classify. Only Classification nodes 1 and 2 are available.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Removing temporary data : -When installing Maximo Base Services 7.5 or Base Services Fixpack 7.1 you get an error: CTGIN2489E.

Removing temporary data

If you have modified the Maximo database since you installed another product or component, make sure all of your changes are completed before you begin a new upgrade or installation procedure.
All changes must be committed to the database before you can upgrade an existing product or install a new product or component. Tables whose names begin with "XX" are temporary tables that must be dropped before installing. If these tables exist, you will see error CTGIN2489E when you run an upgrade or installation procedure.
Temporary data can exist in your database in these situations:
  • You are upgrading an existing product after configuring and using it.
  • You are installing a new product or component in an environment where you have already installed another product, and configured and used that product.
  • You are using the installer to add a feature or function that you did not implement when you first installed your product.
If you are in one of these situations, check whether you have any uncommitted changes or temporary tables in your database.
  1. To confirm that all changes have been committed, run the following SQL query against the Maximo database:
    SELECT count(*) from maxobjectcfg where changed != 'N'
    'N' indicates that a change has been committed. For this query, if entries are returned with a value of 0 instead of N, you must commit those changes. Follow these steps to commit the changes:
    1. Click Go To > System Configuration > Platform Configuration > Database Configuration.
    2. From the Select Action menu, click Manage Admin Mode.
    3. Click Turn Admin Mode ON.
    4. Click OK, then wait for a few minutes for the change to take effect.
    5. From the Select Action menu, click Apply Configuration Changes. Monitor the process to completion.
    6. From the Select Action menu, click Manage Admin Mode.
    7. Click Turn Admin Mode OFF.
    8. Stop the MXServer.
    9. On the administrative Workstation, open a command prompt. Change to the directory c:\ibm\smp\maximo\tools\maximo.
    10. Run the following commands:
      The dropbackup.bat command is run twice. This should complete the commitment of all database changes.
  2. Determine whether any temporary tables exist in your database, using the command appropriate to your database:
    select count(*) from sysibm.systables where name like 'XX%' and 
    creator = 'MAXIMO'
    Microsoft SQL Server
    SELECT count(*) FROM sysobjects WHERE xtype = 'U' AND name like 'XX%'
    SELECT count(*) from all_tables where table_name like 'XX%'
    If the returned value is not 0, follow these steps to drop the temporary tables:
    1. On the administrative Workstation, open a command prompt. Change to the directory c:\ibm\smp\maximo\tools\maximo.
    2. Run the following commands:
      The dropbackup.bat command is run twice. This should drop all the temporary tables in the database.
Now you can proceed with your upgrade or installation procedure.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Integrity Checker reports BMXAA0494E errors on table COMMLOG.


After upgrading a Maximo 6.2 database to 7.1, several columns on table COMMLOG do not match the way that the columns are defined in Maximo.


In Integrity Checker report:
BMXAA0443E -- ERROR -- BMXAA0494E -- The Maximo definition of this column does not match the actual column:
BMXAA6841I - COMMLOG.BCC, Maximo definition is CLOB, Database column is VARCHAR2(4000)
BMXAA0443E -- ERROR -- BMXAA0494E -- The Maximo definition of this column does not match the actual column:
BMXAA6841I - COMMLOG.CC, Maximo definition is CLOB, Database column is VARCHAR2(4000)
BMXAA0443E -- ERROR -- BMXAA0494E -- The Maximo definition of this column does not match the actual column:
BMXAA6841I - COMMLOG.SENDTO, Maximo definition is CLOB, Database column is VARCHAR2(4000)

Resolving the problem

1. For each column, add to table COMMLOG a new column with data type CLOB. For example:
Alter Table commlog Add bccnew CLOB;
2. Copy the original column to the new column. For example:
Update commlog Set bccnew = bcc ;
3. Drop the original column. For example:
Alter Table commlog Drop Column bcc ;
4. Rename the new column to the original name. For example:
Alter Table commlog Rename Column bccnew To bcc ;
5. Run Integrity Checker again to verify that the errors are no longer reported.

Upgrade to Maximo 7.5 fails in UpdateDB script V7500_343.


When upgrading the Maximo database to 7.5.0.x, UpdateDB can fail in script V7500_343.dbc:

BMXAA7025E -- Script failed while running.;

A statement failed to execute inside a freeform statement;

ORA-01407: cannot update ("INVENTORY"."COSTTYPE") to NULL


-- Product: Tivoli's process automation engine
-- Error running file: V7500_343
-- UPDATEDBFILE:V7500_343.dbc


The V7500_343 freeform statement that fails is:

update inventory set inventory.costtype = case
when ( select maxvars.varvalue from maxvars where maxvars.varname = 'COSTFROMASSET' and maxvars.siteid = inventory.siteid ) = '1'
and ( select item.rotating from item where item.itemnum = inventory.itemnum and item.itemsetid = inventory.itemsetid ) = 1
then ( select value from synonymdomain where synonymdomain.domainid = 'COSTTYPE' and synonymdomain.maxvalue = 'ASSET' and synonymdomain.defaults = 1 )
when ( select maxvars.varvalue from maxvars where maxvars.varname = 'DEFISSUECOST' and maxvars.siteid = inventory.siteid ) = 'AVGCOST'
then ( select value from synonymdomain where synonymdomain.domainid = 'COSTTYPE' and synonymdomain.maxvalue = 'AVERAGE' and synonymdomain.defaults = 1 )
when ( select maxvars.varvalue from maxvars where maxvars.varname = 'DEFISSUECOST' and maxvars.siteid = inventory.siteid ) = 'STDCOST'
then ( select value from synonymdomain where synonymdomain.domainid = 'COSTTYPE' and synonymdomain.maxvalue = 'STANDARD' and synonymdomain.defaults = 1 )
else ( select maxvars.varvalue from maxvars where maxvars.varname = 'DEFISSUECOST' and maxvars.siteid = inventory.siteid ) end

If the Maximo database was originally built using MAXDEMO data, rows can exist in the Inventory table that do not have a valid SiteID. As UpdateDB populates new column Inventory.CostType, the invalid SiteID values prevent the script from determining values to populate CostType for these old MAXDEMO records.

Upgrade 7.1 to 7.5.

Diagnosing the problem

If this query returns any values, then your database contains Inventory records with invalid SiteIDs:

Select siteid From inventory Where siteid Not In (Select siteid From maxvars Where varname In

Resolving the problem

Since these Inventory records are old MAXDEMO data, they serve no purpose and should be removed from your database. Replace XX in the following statement with any invalid SiteID values returned from the query above:

Delete From inventory Where siteid='XX'

Restore your database to pre-upgrade 7.1, remove the bad rows from the Inventory table, and run UpdateDB over again.

Error 'Unable to connect to server' is displayed when you run a task that prompts for server restart

  Problem On Windows system, when you select a task that requires a server restart in Administration Services UI, and run that task, the tas...