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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Maximo Application Suite Admin APIs 8.11.x

Set user application permissions



Requires Workspace Administration permission in the target workspace. System Administration permission allows modifications to any workspace.


Reference Link :

Friday, May 10, 2024

Modifying the size of a user field in MAS


In MAS you can verify that many of the fields of the user records are also present in Manage application, but how can we change their length?


We can change them by changing the field length in Manage application, and then running script.

In this example we will use the PERSON.FIRSTNAME attribute from Manage, which is equivalent to the users Given Name attribute in MAS User Administration. The steps bellow represents the required changes and procedures in order to accomplish it.
In Manage:
  1. Go to Database Configuration Application.
  2. Change the field size in Manage and apply the changes via Database configuration application. 
Image representing the database configuration page, inside the PERSON object, indicating that the FIRSTNAME field length was changed to 60.
Using a database tool, run the following SQL Statement: 
update maxvars set varvalue = '1' where varname = 'METAUPG'

Go to Maxinst pod and run the following command: 
After the command execution is complete, Manage and MAS databases should have their fields synchronized. 

Note: as this command is runned inside Maxinst pod, this is the only pod that need to be up.

Error: BMXAA0024E - The action READ is not allowed on object MAFAPPDATA accessing Maximo Manage


This error occurs when attempting to log in to Maximo Manage and indicates insufficient access permissions for the user's security group. Specifically, the user lacks the "READ" permission for the "MAFAPPDATA" object structure.

Resolving The Problem

Access Security Groups Application:
Log in to Maximo with a user account possessing security group administration privileges.
Navigate to the Security Groups application within Maximo.

Identify User Security Group:
Locate the security group to which the user experiencing the login error belongs.

Grant "READ" Access (Object Structures Tab):
Select the relevant security group.
Click on the Object Structures tab.
In the search bar, locate the object structure named OSLCMAFAPPDATA.
Ensure the checkbox next to "OSLCMAFAPPDATA" is selected, granting "READ" access.
Save your changes.
Optional Verification (Application Tab):
While less likely to be the sole cause, you can also check the Application tab within the Security Group application.
Review the list of applications and ensure the security group has at least "READ" access for the "Maximo Manage" application itself.

Test Login:
After granting "READ" access to the "OSLCMAFAPPDATA" object structure, have the affected user attempt to log in to Maximo Manage again.
The login process should now proceed without the "BMXAA0024E" error.

MAS - Error in Mobile when new work order is sync which had an Inspection record

 There are times when the sync of the mobile device would bring a new Work Order, however on accessing that record there will be an error if it had an Inspection record associated with it.

Debugging the Problem

Mobile :
1)Create workorder in Mobile with inspection form
2)Update the Section A from Inspection form

1)Open the same workorder .
2)Update Section B,C from Inspection form

1)Refresh the workorder.

2)Check the Inspection form (B,C sections not updated on Inspection form)

RESULT: The initialized inspection in the first download only, this is by design

EXPECTED RESULT: The desireable effect is to sync the inspection every time

Resolving The Problem

The recommendation could be to modify the code to ensure a full sync occurs when a work order record is retrieved.

This could be achieved as follows:

Customize the File to be changed:  ExecutionFormDataController.js to force a full data sync

Action:  Remove items.length check

ExecutioFormDataController.js sample code

Error 'Unable to connect to server' is displayed when you run a task that prompts for server restart

  Problem On Windows system, when you select a task that requires a server restart in Administration Services UI, and run that task, the tas...