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Monday, April 7, 2014

Use Email Interaction Setup to Change Status

Below are the steps to setup Email Interaction:
1. Create a new record in the Email Interaction Setup application:

For example, call the new configuration MFWO

Setup Object Status Change configurations:

Case 1: If the work order status is APPR , mobile user can reply with 1 to set status to INPRG or 2 to set status to COMP

Case 2: If the work order status is INPRG, mobile user can reply with 1 to set status to COMP or 2 to set status to CLOSE:

Attach a communication template (MFMAILSENDWO) to send to the owner of the work order (WOWNER):

2. Setup email listener:

Create a email listener address mx4mail:

Go to select action menu, select security settings.
Add a row for workorder object:

Tick the Active checkbox and save the record:

3. Create an Escalation:

Create an escalation called MFMAILSENDWOM with the condition below:

exists (select 1 from mfmailst where mboname='WORKORDER' and origin=1 and workorder.status=status) and parent is null and owner is not null

Attach an out of the box action to send email for the work order:

Below is the definition of the MFMAILSENDWOM action from Actions application:

Steps to test Email Interaction:
1. Create a new work order 1273.
2. Click Set Owner icon on the toolbar. Assign the work order to Wilson:

3. Approve the work order:

4. Email arrives in Wilson's inbox:

5. Wilson reply with 2 to complete the work order:

6. Wait 1 minute. Wilson receives another email that says work order 1273 has been changed to complete status:

7. Log in to Maximo to confirm that work order 1273 has been changed to complete:

Email Interaction Setup Using Workflow

Steps to setup Email Interaction:
1. Create an Email Listener record mx4mail
Workflow Process = MFMAILRCV
Cron Task Name = LSNRCRON
Cron Task Instance = LSNR3
email interaction setup WFWO

Crontask instance LSNR3 is active in the Cron Task Setup application:

2. Build a workflow process in Workflow Designer to reinforce a business process:

For example: Create a workflow process called MFMAILWF
Newly created work order record will go to Financial Approval 1
If the estimated labor cost is greater than $500, then it will go to Financial approver 2
Then someone will perform some safety check:

3. Create a record in the Email Interaction Setup application:

Attach a communication template

1. create a new work order in Work Order Tracking application
Route the record to workflow via the Route Workflow icon:

2. Wilson receives email in his in-box since he is the originator of the work order

option 1 - I approve this work order. Route to next step in workflow.
option 2 - Cancel this work order

3. Reply with 1:

4. Wilson receives some email that says the workflow assignment has been approved

Wilson receives another email with
option 1 - Initiate work - in progress
option 2 - Cancel this WO

5. Reply with 1 in the body:
i.e. Get Safety and Permit Approval

6. Wilson receives some email that says the workflow assignment has been approved:

7. Reply with 1:

8. Work Order 1275 has been changed to INPRG status

Go to select action menu > workflow > view workflow history:

This work order record has gone through the entire workflow without having a user logged into Maximo.

New videos for Maximo Asset Management!

Check out the full library of Maximo Asset Management videos from IBM Education Assistant!

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