Exception: [customer_system_hostname maxadmin] synched: status_code: 400 r.text Error 400: BMXAA9549E - The API key token is invalid. Either the token may have expired or the token has been revoked by the administrator.
2022-09-12 05:17:04,321 usersync-agent-manage INFO Attempt: 1 of 5
2022-09-12 05:17:34,332 usersync-agent-manage INFO Sync user maxadmin, status PENDING
2022-09-12 05:17:34,333 usersync-agent-manage INFO [customer_system_hostname maxadmin] Sync user url: https://hostname.mas-systemname-manage.svc/meaweb/es/MASSYNC/MASPERUSER?clientcert=1, method: POST, headers: {'content-type': 'application/json'}
2022-09-12 05:17:34,334 usersync-agent-manage INFO [customer_system_hostname maxadmin] Sync user data: {'_id': 'maxadmin', 'added': {'appId': 'manage', 'timestamp': '2022-09-11T18:38:39.979923'}, 'addresses': [], 'applications': {'assist': {'sync': {'reason': '', 'state': 'SUCCESS', 'timestamp': '2022-09-12T05:15:52.671155'}}, 'health': {'sync': {'reason': '', 'state': 'SUCCESS', 'timestamp': '2022-09-12T05:15:52.671155'}}, 'hputilities': {'sync': {'reason': '', 'state': 'SUCCESS', 'timestamp': '2022-09-12T05:15:52.671155'}}, 'iot': {'sync': {'reason': '', 'state': 'SUCCESS', 'timestamp': '2022-09-12T05:15:52.671155'}}, 'manage': {'sync': {'reason': '', 'state': 'PENDING', 'timestamp': '2022-09-12T05:15:52.671155'}}, 'monitor': {'sync': {'reason': '', 'state': 'SUCCESS', 'timestamp': '2022-09-12T05:15:52.671155'}}, 'optimizer': {'sync': {'reason': '', 'state': 'SUCCESS', 'timestamp': '2022-09-12T05:15:52.671155'}}, 'predict': {'sync': {'reason': '', 'state': 'SUCCESS', 'timestamp': '2022-09-12T05:15:52.671155'}}, 'safety': {'sync': {'reason': '', 'state': 'SUCCESS', 'timestamp': '2022-09-12T05:15:52.671155'}}, 'visualinspection': {'sync': {'reason': '', 'state': 'SUCCESS', 'timestamp': '2022-09-12T05:15:52.671155'}}}, 'displayName': 'MAXADMIN', 'emails': [{'primary': True, 'type': 'Work', 'value': 'user.name@domainname.com'}], 'entitlement': {'admin': 'NONE', 'alwaysReserveLicense': False, 'application': 'PREMIUM'}, 'familyName': '', 'givenName': '', 'issuer': 'local', 'owner': 'local', 'permissions': {'systemAdmin': False, 'userAdmin': False}, 'phoneNumbers': [], 'preferences': {'locale': {'country': None, 'language': None}, 'timezone': None}, 'sync': {'status': 'PENDING', 'timestamp': '2022-09-12T05:15:52.457726'}, 'title': '', 'token': '1000:d8a82d04c7981f0c1fd3c52d45ec14c0a64d6620a1be861f:a9bc1a2048612c00036b613716d1057452a72cb4a256cfce', 'updated': {'id': 'vPtB9WZdfm5USXuc9i57KpWL0jKUy3jO', 'timestamp': '2022-09-12T05:15:52.457726'}, 'username': 'maxadmin', 'workspaces': {'customer_system_hostname': {'applications': {'manage': {'role': 'MANAGEUSER'}}, 'permissions': {'workspaceAdmin': False}}}}
2022-09-12 05:17:34,417 usersync-agent-manage INFO [customer_system_hostname maxadmin] Sync user response: r.status: 400, r.text: Error 400: BMXAA9549E - The API key token is invalid. Either the token may have expired or the token has been revoked by the administrator.
2022-09-12 05:17:34,418 usersync-agent-manage INFO [customer_system_hostname maxadmin] synched: status_code: 400 r.text Error 400: BMXAA9549E - The API key token is invalid. Either the token may have expired or the token has been revoked by the administrator.
2022-09-12 05:17:34,418 usersync-agent-manage ERROR [maxadmin] Got exception: [customer_system_hostname maxadmin] synched: status_code: 400 r.text Error 400: BMXAA9549E - The API key token is invalid. Either the token may have expired or the token has been revoked by the administrator.
2022-09-12 05:17:34,418 usersync-agent-manage ERROR Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mas/utils/usersync/usersync.py", line 242, in doSync
File "/opt/ibm/usersync/agent.py", line 75, in syncUser
raise Exception(errMsg)