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Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Installing and configuring Grafana _ Monitoring



  1. In the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform console, select Operators > OperatorHub and search for the Grafana operator that is provided by Red Hat OpenShift.
  2. Install the Grafana operator for the openshift-user-workload-monitoring namespace.
  3. Create an instance of Grafana.
    1. Select Operator > OperatorHub > Grafana Operator and then select the Grafana tab.
    2. Click Create Grafana.
    3. On YAML tab, enter the following text:
      kind: Grafana
        name: mas-grafana
        namespace: openshift-user-workload-monitoring
          enabled: true
            - ReadWriteOnce
          size: 10Gi
          class: ocs-storagecluster-cephfs
            mode: "console"
            level: "warn"
            admin_user: "root"
            admin_password: "secret"
            disable_login_form: False
            disable_signout_menu: True
            enabled: True
          - matchExpressions:
              - {key: app, operator: In, values: [grafana]}
      A route is created, and the public URL is included in that route definition in the openshift-user-workload-monitoring namespace project.
  4. Remember to update the subscription.yaml file and add the following configuration so that Grafana scans for the dashboard across the whole cluster:
           - name: "DASHBOARD_NAMESPACES_ALL" 
              value: "true"
    After an update, the subscription.yaml file looks like the following:
            kind: Subscription
              name: grafana-operator
              namespace: "{{ grafana_namespace }}"
      {{ grafana_namespace }}: ''
              channel: v4
              installPlanApproval: Automatic
              name: grafana-operator
              source: community-operators
              sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
                  - name: "DASHBOARD_NAMESPACES_ALL"
                    value: "true"
  5. Run the following command to grant the user permission.
    oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-monitoring-view -z grafana-serviceaccount
  6. Run the following command to obtain the BEARER_TOKEN.
    - oc serviceaccounts get-token grafana-serviceaccount -n openshift-user-workload-monitoring
  7. Create the GrafanaDataSource, which points to the Prometheus instance that you installed earlier.
    1. Select the Grafana Operator > Installed operators > GrafanaDataSource tab.
    2. Enter the following text and replace the ${BEARER_TOKEN} value with the value that you obtained in a previous step.
      kind: GrafanaDataSource
        name: prometheus-grafanadatasource
        namespace:  openshift-user-workload-monitoring
          - access: proxy
            editable: true
            isDefault: true
              httpHeaderName1: 'Authorization'
              timeInterval: 5s
              tlsSkipVerify: true
            name: Prometheus
              httpHeaderValue1: 'Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}'
            type: prometheus
            url: 'https://thanos-querier.openshift-monitoring.svc.cluster.local:9091'
        name: prometheus-grafanadatasource.yaml

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

MAS Manage - Adding trusted certificates in the user interface

Add certificates through the user interface when you configure Maximo Manage Maximo Health for deployment. The format of the certificate must be PEM.


  • Add certificates.
    1. Log in to IBM Maximo Application Suite as a system administrator.
    2. From Suite administration, select Workspaces from the side navigation menu and then select the workspace that you want to configure.
    3. On the Overview tab for the workspace, select the Manage tile.
    4. On the Manage panel, click Actions and select Update configuration.
    5. In the Imported certificates row on the Update Manage configuration window, click the Edit icon.
    6. In the Imported certifications section, click Add to add a certificate.

You might have to disable the System managed switch before you can add a certificate.

    1. Specify the certificate alias and copy and paste the contents of the certificate.

Each alias name must be unique within the workspace.

    1. Click Confirm to save your changes.
    2. Select one of the following options:
      • If you are configuring a new deployment, click Activate.
      • If you are updating a deployment, click Apply changes.
  • Add certificates.
    1. In IBM Maximo Application Suite click Administration and then click Catalog.
    2. Select the Manage tile.
    3. On the application details page, click Actions and select Update configuration.
    4. In the Imported certificates row on the Update Manage configuration window, click the Edit icon.
    5. In the Imported certifications section, click Add to add a certificate.

You might have to disable the System managed switch before you can add a certificate.

    1. Specify the certificate alias and copy and paste the contents of the certificate.

Each alias name must be unique within the workspace.

    1. Click Confirm to save your changes.
    2. Select one of the following options:
      • If you are configuring a new deployment, click Activate.
      • If you are updating a deployment, click Apply changes.

Reference Link :

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

How to import attachments into MAXIMO using MIF

 How to upload file using MIF (Maximo Integration Framework)?

  1. Create Object Structure.

You have two scenarios:

  1. Send only the attachment using table DOCLINKS.
  2. Send the attachment owner with DOCLINKS table, like WORKORDER,SR, ITEM, etc. To know if the desired table is supported, a tip is execute query below:

select parent from maxrelationship where child = 'DOCLINKS';

Observation: You can also create an Enterprise Service, but in this example, we will use only Object Structure.


  1. Create Web Service.

I am not going to enter in every detail of Web Service creation. You just need to create and deploy Web Service. You can do that using Web Services Library application.

  1. Submit the XML.

You can use any tool to submit XML into Web Service. I usually use SoapUI, it’s simple and easy to use.

The XML below is just a sample having the required attributes.


  1. Scenario 01: In this scenario you are going to upload the file to the server into doclinks folder. (In my case C:\doclinks\attachments)

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="; xmlns:max=""&gt;
              <max:SR action="AddChange">
               <max:DESCRIPTION >Test 01 SR description</max:DESCRIPTION>

                  <max:DESCRIPTION>Example of Attach </max:DESCRIPTION>
                  <max:DOCUMENT>Test 01</max:DOCUMENT>



Reference Link : 


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