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Friday, January 12, 2024

Maximo Application Suite Admin APIs 8.11.x

IBM  Maximo Application Suite provides powerful AI-driven asset and analytics solutions for your enterprise needs.

Maximo Application Suite is a powerful collection of:

  • Applications
  • Industry solutions
  • Add-ons
  • Tools

These APIs provide a mechanism for performing administrative operations against an installation of Maximo  Application Suite.

Reference link :

How to create a Entity Relationship Document (ERD) for MAS 8

The following are the steps for MAS 8.11 and beyond as well as 8.10 and prior versions


For MAS 8.10 and prior, do the following steps; 

  • Access Manage Admin pod terminal - /tools/maximo/internal
  • execute the cli  -
  • This generates the erd files inside /tools/maximo/erd
  • You then need to download that folder with contents into a local device with browser 
  • Then, access the erd/index.html by using the local browser - and browse the erd pages.

IBM - MAS : - Error AIUCO1026E: Unable to create user with id=, since it is already taken by a previously-deleted user.

The only way to restore the user or permanently delete the user from MAS is to update or delete the document in the mongoDB database.


1- Connect to the mongoDB shell

2- List the databases:
show dbs

3- Use the mas core database:
use mas_<mas instance id>_core

4- find the user you want to restore or delete:
db.User.find({"_id" : "testuser"})

When the user is deleted, the document will end with the deleted information, i.e. user who deleted the record and the time of deletion, for example:
"deleted" : { "id" : "masadmin", "timestamp" : "2023-11-28T09:56:29.840785" }

You can then either restore the user or remove it from the database

To restore the user, execute the following command:

db.User.update({username: "testuser"},{$unset: {deleted:""}})

Once the command is executed, the user is visible again in MAS, however it is not visible in Manage.
An update to the user in MAS will lead to a syncronization failure with Manage. You need to reactivate the use in Manage.

To remove the user, execute the following command:

db.User.deleteone({username: "testuser"})

If you create a new user with the id of the user that you deleted, the synchronization with Manage will fail, you will have to reactivate the user in Manage.

The instructions to reactivate the user in Manage are here:

NOTE: removing the user from the database is permanent, it is recommended to have a working backup before attempting such operation. 

Maximo Application Suite 8.11: How to undelete a MAS User

Normally, it is impossible to re-create a MAS user within the UI after they are deleted. This error is reported when the user is re-created:

AIUCO1026E: Unable to create user with id=XXXX, since it is already taken by a previously-deleted user.

Once a mongo shell has been opened for your MAS mongo database, you have two options to re-create the user. You can either undelete the specific user to restore the old user, or delete the data record completely allowing you to re-create the user manually. 

This first command restores the old user (in this case, user1), making them once again visible within the MAS User Administration UI.

db.User.update({username: "user1"},{$unset: {deleted:""}})

Alternatively, you can run this second command to delete the user from your database. This allows you to re-create the user manually within the UI. 

Note this command deletes the old user completely, causing their user data to be lost forever.

db.User.deleteMany({username: "user1"})

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Backing & Restore Maximo Manage namespace with a script

1)  Use the script to back up the Maximo Manage namespace.

Run the following command to back up the Maximo Manage namespace.

  • manage-backup- -w <mas-workspace-id> -i <MAS_INSTANCE_ID> -f <BACKUP_FOLDER> -m backup 

-w, --mas-workspace-id
The Maximo Manage workspace ID that you are backing up.
-i, --mas-instance-id
The Maximo Application Suite instance ID that you are backing up.
-f, --backup-folder
The folder where the backup artifacts are written to.
-m, --mode
Indicates whether to backup or restore. Use the value restore.
  • -w <mas-workspace-id> -i dev -f ./ -m backup

 Reference Link :

2) Restore your backed up Maximo Manage namespace manually or by using the script.

To restore manually, use the oc cli command to restore the resources that you backed up.

The command applies the configuration that is specified in the file that is provided. Run the command for each *.yaml file that you created when you did the backup.

    • oc apply -f <filename>

To restore the Maximo Manage namespace by using the script, run the following command.

    • -w <mas-workspace-id> -i <MAS_INSTANCE_ID> -f <BACKUP_FOLDER> -m restore
    • -w <mas-workspace-id> -i dev -f ./ -m restore 
The script runs the oc apply command on all the *.yaml files in a specified folder, which restores the files.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

IBM Maximo Application Suite installation with Ansible collection

 To automate some of the manual steps that are involved with installing Maximo® Application Suite and its components, use the Ansible collection roles that match your installation path or use case.

The IBM® Maximo Application Suite development team maintains a public Ansible collection that automates the installation and configuration of Maximo Application Suite and its dependencies. The Maximo Application Suite DevOps Ansible collection includes a number of automated tasks, referred to as roles and playbooks. These automated tasks can be used to streamline processes from having a simple Red Hat® OpenShift® cluster, to having Maximo Application Suite including multiple applications and its required dependencies.

Please find the below link for more information :

Error 'Unable to connect to server' is displayed when you run a task that prompts for server restart

  Problem On Windows system, when you select a task that requires a server restart in Administration Services UI, and run that task, the tas...